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Chinese Community United Methodist Church was founded in 1887 as part of the chain of Methodist Chinese Missions in California, stretching from Sacramento to Los Angeles by the Rev. Dr. Otis Gibson. Rev. Dr. Gibson was a returned missionary from Foochow, China, who saw many Chinese immigrants from Toi-San and Canton in need of social services and spiritual support.

The call to reach out to the immigrant community with justice and compassion was heard and obeyed.  Through various social services and mission activities, Bible Study and worship services, we have faithfully nurtured and enriched the lives of many immigrants and their American-born children in Oakland’s Chinatown and its neighboring cities. Since then, CCUMC has become a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, and multi- generational church.


Tel 電話: (510) 452-1020


Email 電子郵箱:


Address 地址: 321 8th Street
Oakland, CA 94607


Sunday Services 主日崇拜:

中文堂崇拜 (上午9:30)


English Worship (11 AM)

Office Hours 工作时间

Monday-Friday 9 AM - 2 PM

Lunch 12 PM - 1 PM


周一至周五上午 9 点至下午 2 点

午餐 12 点 - 1 点


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