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Bishops Oakland Directory - 1880-1881
Courtesy of Oakland Public Library

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City of Oakland Tax Assessment Block Book, 1881-1882
Courtesy of Oakland Public Library

1880-1890: On their Own

By 1879, the faithfulness of a few private members of the church came forward to pay for a teacher, the rent for their school-rooms, and all the furnishings.  A lot was leased for 10 years with the intent to put a "comfortable chapel or mission house" on it.  The house contained a small audience room, dining room, kitchen, sleeping rooms and served as a home for homeless Christians when out of employment. [ARMSMEC-1880]

The earliest recorded address for the Methodist Chinese Mission is at 612-15th Street, listed in Bishop's Oakland Directory for 1880-1881. This listing continues in Oakland City Directories through 1885 and then reappears in the 1889-1890 Directory.

The 612-15th Street address for the mission is listed in the City of Oakland Tax Assessment Block Book for 1881-1882.  The lot was owned by a Ms. Catherine (Cath) Danahie. Below her name is written "[illegible] to Chinese Mission Church."  Similar notations in the Block Books continue through 1889, which fills in the blank left by the City Directories.  After 1889, the lot changes ownership and the church is no longer listed at this location.

The Sanborn Insurance Map for this address also shows the lot listed under Chinese Mission School.

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612-15th Street in 1889
Sanborn Insurance Map, 1889-1901


Tel 電話: (510) 452-1020


Email 電子郵箱:


Address 地址: 321 8th Street
Oakland, CA 94607


Sunday Services 主日崇拜:

中文堂崇拜 (上午9:30)


English Worship (11 AM)

Office Hours 工作时间

Monday-Friday 9 AM - 2 PM

Lunch 12 PM - 1 PM


周一至周五上午 9 点至下午 2 点

午餐 12 点 - 1 点


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